Monday, October 13, 2014

Why Should I Have my Photos Taken?

Do you know how many times I have heard:
*My child doesn't behave very well.
*I look fat in pictures.
*My husband/wife/child doesn't like to have their picture taken.

Let me tell you WHY you should have your photos taken:

*Your child is growing up everyday - each stage of their life deserves to be preserved.
*Don't worry about how you look! This is YOU - and that's the most important thing I want you to remember.
*A member of your family doesn't like to be in front of the camera? We will have fun and I will do everything I can to make them relaxed and comfortable in that situation.

Guess what?

Everything doesn't have to be perfect in your photos! (Some of the best photos I've taken are of an "unhappy" looking family member or maybe a spontaneous moment during a session)

Some tips for shoots with clients under age 5
*Set your time for after naptime or at a time where your child is usually content and happy.
*Bring snacks and water/juice - but please try to avoid things like cheese crackers, chocolate and red or purple juices.
*If I take a younger child away from the group (with your permission!), it is to try to get them to relax. Some little ones don't "perform"well under the eyes of others.
*Parents: be patient! Getting worked up isn't going to help a meltdown.
*While working on a certain shot, small ones sometimes don't look where they're supposed to - and that's ok. I will work the best I can to get and hold their attention for a few seconds. Your "job" during those moments, is to look where I have asked you to and keep smiling.

Tips for the whole family
*Most importantly, relax and have fun with each other (and me!).
*When picking your wardrobe for a shoot, wear something that is COMFORTABLE for you! If someone is wearing something they don't like - it will reflect in your photos.

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